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                                                                                            solo shows:
2024   Alles in Ordnung,
Pisztory palace, Bratislava (SK) /with R.Marco, curated by J.Kudrna/

2024   GlitchStation Contemporary art gallery, Bratislava (SK) /curated by R. Gajdoš/
2024   Lebensraum, Artwall gallery, Prague (CZ) /curated by L.Kukurová, Z. Štefková/
2023   Biľag, Sumec gallery, Bratislava (SK) /curated by Luboš Lehocký/
2022   Country of the fucked up people, Ateliér XIII, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by Jana Babušiaková/
2020   Action ZET, Slovak national gallery, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by Alexandra Kusá/
2018   From the fund, Soda gallery, Bratislava, (SK)  /self curated/
2016   Arbeit jeder Art, Ateliér XIII, Bratislava, (SK) 
2014   Minimally everything, Flatgallery, Bratislava, (SK) 
2013   Life is beautiful, Čin Čin gallery, Bratislava, (SK)  /self curated/
2011   Tomáš Mališ Marcel Werner, Fru Fru gallery, Bratislava, (SK)  /self curated with Tomáš Werner/
2010   Jackpot, gallery 19, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by M. Mudroch/
2009   Eastern promises, TIC, Brno, (CZ)  /curated by B. Jablonská, M. Kupková, with M. Černušák, 
              R. Bicek/         
2007   In case of ... , Galéria m++, Bratislava, (SK)  /self curated with M. Nociarová/

                                                                                                 group shows:

2024   Slovenské Benátky, Artrooms Moravany, Moravany nad Váhom, (SK)/curated by M.Urbanová,         

2023   44. International Symposium of painting, Artrooms Moravany Moravany nad Váhom, (SK) /curated                   by I.Kalev/ 
2023   Memory as reference, Holocaust museum Sereď,(SK)  /curated by B. Koklesová/
2022   Humankind, Pistori palace, Fjužn festival, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by L. Kukurová, N.                   
2022   The best Slovak painting 2000-2022, Gallery of the Slovak radio, Bratislava, (SK)  / curated by I.                             Jančár/
2021   The future of the wheel, Artrooms Moravany, Moravany nad Váhom, (SK)  /curated by L.                                           Kukurová, Z. Sabová/
2019   The power of the powerless, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by L. Kukurová/
2018   More than 30.., ZOYA museum, Modra, (SK)  /curated by I. Ledecká/
2017   Visitors, Photoport gallery , Bratislava, (SK) 
2017   Winter is coming, Temporary parapet, Bratislava, (SK) 
2017   The biennial of illustration Bratislava, Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, (SK) 
2017   Slovak Contemporary childrenbook illustration, Bibiana, Bratislava, (SK) 
2017   Golden sands, Prfr gallery, Bratislava, (SK) 
2015   Skulptur lab, maso- objekt, 4D gallery, Galanta, (SK) 
2015   Pure energy, Powerplant , Piešťany,(SK)  /curated by A. Jaroš/
2015   3.rd Danube biennale, Danubiana- Meulensteen art museum, Čunovo, (SK)  /curated by K. Jarošová/
2015   Biennial of small scale sculpture Pezinok, Statua gallery, Pálffy palace, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by R.                Popelár, with catalogue/
2014   Mundus vadit retro, Kibla portal, Maribor, (SI)  / curated by Aleksandra Kostič, Žiga Dobnikar/
2014   Skulptur lab, Pisztory palace, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by Z. Sabova, L.Sabo/
2013   Transcending cultures, Essl museum, Klosterneuburg bei Wien, (AT) /curated by Johanna       
             Langfelder- Hain, Viktoria Tomek, with catalogue/
2013   ArtD.1, Stredoslovenská galéria, Banská Bystrica, (SK)  /curated by B. Jablonská/
2013   ArtD.1, House of the arts, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by B. Jablonská, with catalogue/
2013   La Belle Peinture II, Pisztory palace, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by I. Jančár, E.  Hober,                                                   with catalogue/
2013   Essl Art Award cee exhibition, Medium gallery, Bratislava, (SK) /curated by Z. Rusinová/
2012    Altars of now, Turiec gallery, Martin, (SK)  /curated by L. Miklošková, with catalogue/
2012    artWall: In transit, the City of Prague, (CZ)  /curated by Z. Štefková, M. Dolejšová,P. Motyčka/
2012    Souls in Hideout, City Gallery Bratislava, (SK)  / curated by M. Ševčíková/
2011    Spaceship Jugoslavia, NGBK, Berlin, (DE)  / curated A. Šurkić, A. Kulašić, A. Mujkanović, D. Marković, 
             J. Komnenić, K. Sudec, N. Hennig, with catalogue/
2011    Octomeron, Fru Fru gallery, Bratislava, (SK) / curated by M. Kopták/
2011    Jove creació Europea, Tecla sala, Hospitalet de llobregat, (SP)  / curated by B. Jablonská, with 
2011    " a work that can´t shake off what it reflects", Wuk - Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, (AT) / curated by 
              P.Dimitrova, L. Dokuzović, E. Freudmann, C. Gülcü, I. Jurica/
2011    Biennale d´Arte contemporanea, Villa Croce, Genova, (IT) 
2011    " a work that can´t shake off what it reflects ", Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck, (AT) // curated by P.
              Dimitrova, L. Dokuzović, E. Freudmann, C. Gülcü, I. Jurica/
2010   Was and will be, Fru Fru gallery, Bratislava, (SK)  / curated by M. Kopták/
2010    Hard work clean work/ in the barter collection/, Central Slovak Gallery, Banská Bystrica,(SK) 
2009   Painting after painting, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by A. Kusá,                                                  with  catalogue/
2009   Painting 2010, Award exhibition, Foundation VÚB, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, (SK) 
2009   JCE- contemporary art biennial, Galerie Im Traklhaus, Salzburg, Austria / curated by B.
             Jablonská with catalogue/
2009   Der drang nach Osten, gallery Hit, Bratislava, (SK)  /curated by Ivan Jurica, with catalogue/
2009   Jeune création Europpéenne, Biennial for contemporary art, Pécs, (HU) / curated by B. Jablonská,                      with  catalogue/
2009   plus minus XXI reloaded, Central slovak gallery, Banská Bystrica, (SK)  / curated by K.                                                Slaninová,with catalogue/
2009   Young slovak painting, City Gallery Bratislava, (SK) / curated by Zsófia Kiss-Szemán/
2009   Young European art, Biennial for contemporary art, City Gallery Bratislava,(SK) / curated by B.                             Jablonská, with catalogue/
2009   Barter collection, Soda Gallery, Bratislava, (SK)  / participation with artist Veronika Šramaty/
2009   Jeune création Europpéenne, Biennial for contemporary art, Klaipeda, (LT) / curated by B. Jablonská                 with catalogue/
2009 danube biennale, Danubiana, Muelensteen Art Museum, (SK) 
2009   Traps of the visual illusion, Nitra gallery, Nitra, (SK) / curated by B. Geržová, with catalogue/
2009   Painting 2009,  foundation  of VÚB, Hall of the Ministry of culture of the Slovak republic, Bratislava
2009   Jeune création Européenne, Biennial for contemporary art, Ville de Montrouge, Paris, (FR) / curated 
              by B. Jablonská, with catalogue/
2008   Plus minus XXI, House of the Arts, Bratislava, (SK) / curated by K. Slaninová, with catalogue/
2007   Diploma works, House of the Arts, Bratislava, (SK) 
2006   Nice to meet you , International film festival, Aupark ,Bratislava, (SK) 
2005   Forever hungry, Tranzit SK, Bratislava, (SK) 
2003   Survey , Považská galéria, Žilina, (SK) 
2003   Handsome guys, gallery Hit, Bratislava, (SK) 
2003   Freizone, Concult , Wien,(AT) 


2013    Laureate, ESSL Art Award CEE, (SK) 
2011     Finalist, Painting 2011, foundation VÚB, (SK) 
2010    Finalist, Painting 2010,foundation VÚB,(SK) 
2010    Nominee, Strabag Art award, (AT) 
2009   Finalist, Henkel Art award, (SK) 
2009   Finalist, Painting 2009, foundation VÚB, (SK) 


Contemporary art collection, Slovak National Gallery, Slovak Republic
Collection of  the Bratislava City Gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Collection of contemporary art, Galéria Jana Koniarka, Trnava, Slovak Republic 
Collection of the Auction House SOGA, Slovak Republic
Private collection Zuzana, Slovak Republic
Private collection Marek, Czech Republic
Meulensteen Art Collection, Netherlands
Private collection, Luboš Šoška, Slovak Republic
Private collection, Robert Poloni, Slovak Republic
Private collection, Vladimír Vokáľ, Slovak Republic

                                                                                  workshops and residencies:

2023   44th. International symposium of painting, Castle Moravany nad Váhom, Slovak Republic
2002   International workshop of young art, Gaski, Poland
2003   International workshop of young art, Poddabie, Poland

                                                                                         exhibition conceptions:

2009  Eastern promises, TIC, Brno, Czech Republic


2009-2013  Doctoral degree at Academy of Fine arts and Design, Bratislava, Department of Painting and other  media, Studio +- XXI. Century, prof. Daniel Fischer
2005 - 2007 Masters degree at Academy of Fine arts and Design, Bratislava, Department of Painting and other  media, Studio +- XXI. Century, prof. Daniel Fischer
2001 - 2005 Bachelors degree at Academy of Fine arts and Design, Bratislava, Department of Painting and other  media, Studio +- XXI. Century, prof. Daniel Fischer

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